The hud is the information station to interact with your cats. You will use the hud to mate your cats, to call them to you, and to set their range, just to name a few.
The picture below is what the hud looks like on your screen when you first put it on. Touching that icon you can open the HUD for use.

On the opened HUD, click the gear icon to get the user menu.

This dialog box supports commands for the HUD and some commands for individual Ani-Cats. Below is a description of the function of each of these buttons.
Tgl Hovertext - For the currently active cat on the HUD, touching this button will toggle the state of forced hovertext. Forcing hovertext on has been requested as a useful feature for supporting pets for sale in stalls or at auctions.
Hold me - For the currently active cat on the HUD, touching this button will try to attach your Ani-Cat to your left arm. You may be asked for permissions to manage attaching objects and triggering animations when calling for this feature.
Walk beside - For the currently active cat on the HUD, touching this button will try to attach to your Avatar Center, allowing it to walk/run around as you do the same. You may be asked for permissions to manage attaching objects and triggering animations when calling for this feature.
Pet Detach - For the currently active cat on the HUD, if that cat is attached to your avatar, this button will detach the Ani-Cat, placing it back in your inventory.
Web - Click this button and a pop up with the website address appears, giving you one-button access to this web site. There are many helpful pages available for you when you log in. You can see an idea of those pages here.
Web Password - Click this button and it will give you the password to log into the website. This can be changed with the button described above.
Chg Password - Click this button to change the password for your login to the Ani-Cats Official Website.
Update HUD - When you see this button, an update is available for your HUD which you can receive by pressing this button.
Stats-->Local - Click this button to display the stats of the currently selected cat
Update Pets - This button will allow you to interrogate all your Ani-Cats to see if any need updating to this bed version. Those that do will get updated and returned to their location from before the update.
Set Size - Click this button and another pop up displays. This is how you can customize the size of your hud. Click on -50% to reduce the currently displayed hud size by 50%. Is that a little too small? Click the +10% button to increase the currently displayed hud by 10%. Play with this until you find a comfortable hud size.
Text Color - When you click on a cat the cats stats will appear, like hovertext, above the hud. This button allows you to change the color of that text to something that you like and can work with. Try them all out!
Now click your hud to open it.
You should see something similar to the picture below. Now let’s see how we interact with the cats.

On the left side you will see the Ani-Cats breedable logo on the top. On the lower half you will see 2 options:
If you click single cat a paw will appear in the box indicating you have selected that option.
If you click all cats a paw will appear in the box indicating that you have selected that option.
We have ALL CATS selected.
In the box to the right there are a few options. As the box indicator suggests by clicking the ALL CATS button this will show interactions that can be used on ALL the cats at one time. Lets go through them.
Allow - Click this box, a paw will appear inside the box to indicate it’s chosen, and this will turn on mating for ALL of your cats. Click the button again, the paw disappears, and you’ve now turned the function off.
Auto - Clicking this button, paw is in the box again indicating it’s selected, will set ALL of your cats to AUTO mate. If you do not care what cats breed with each other, this might be an option you will want to use. As it will turn on the auto mating function for all of the cats. So they will inter breed with those nearby. If you want to be a selective breeder and choose their mates individually you might want to keep this function turned off.
Set Range - As you might have guessed clicking this button give you a pop up with a box. Just type in the number for the range that you want to allow your cats to roam. Remember this will apply to ALL of your cats. Also range is calculated from their set home position. So if you choose 10 that will be a 10 meter radius from the home position.
Sounds - Clicking this button turns ALL the cats sounds on or off.
Movement - Clicking this button, will show a paw in the box indicating selected, allows movement on ALL of your cats to be turned on. So ALL of your cats will be roaming around, or moving. Click it again to remove the paw and this function is turned off for ALL cats.
Animation - Clicking this button will turn on or off the animations for ALL the cats. You do not need to have movement turned on to use this button. If you have movement off turning animation on will still allow the cats to move just in place. They will not walk around.
Call - Clicking this button will call all your cats to you. So get ready for the pitter patter of little kitty feet to come in your direction. You’ll notice as they all come to you some will come in a hurry and others will take their time.
Send - Clicking this button will send ALL of your cats to their home position. So remember earlier when you called all your cats to you. Click this button to send them all home.
Now let’s click the SINGLE CAT button. You’ll know it’s selected by the paw in the box.

You’ll also noticed that the section to the right rotated and is now grayed out. Why is it grayed out you ask? This is telling you that you do not have one of YOUR cats selected. When the panel is grayed out, it simply means you're not connected to a cat that you're allowed to control. So let’s do that now.
Select a cat by
right clicking your mouse and choosing touch on the pie menu above the cat.

VOILA! You’ve selected a cat and now the panel has lightened. Also you’ll notice some hovertext that appears above the hud. This is the information for the cat that you have just selected. The text on the left indicates the cat's coat, eyes, size, etc information. The text to the right shows you the selected cats gender, name, version, generation, and health and breeding status.
Let’s look at the buttons on the hud:
Allow - Just as with the all cats function clicking this button, indicated by the paw in the box, will turn on the allow mating function except now it will only apply to the cat selected.
Auto - Also like in the all cats function clicking this will turn on the auto mate feature. IF you do not want your cat to breed with any other cat with this function turned on then you might want to make sure it’s off. So for selective breeding this does not need to be on.
Purradise - Ahhhh purradise. Purradise is the place that kitties you no longer need or want can go.Learn about Purradise
Hello my name is - Clicking this button allows you to change the name of your cat. All of our cats are born with names. But we know that breeders have different ways to identify their animals so use this button to change the name, or insert whatever info you want. Clicking will bring a box up and you can change it there.
Set Home - Clicking this button will set the selected cats home position. Unlike the ALL cats button which selects ALL of your cats this button will ONLY set the home position of the cat you’ve selected.
Set Range - Clicking this button will set the range for the selected cat only. Keep in mind the range is determined from the cats set home position. So if you choose to set the range to 10, that’s 10 meters radius from the home position.
Sounds - Clicking this button, indicated that it’s turned on by the paw in the box, will turn on the sounds for the selected cat. Click again to turn off indicated by the absence of the paw in the box.
Movement - Clicking this button turns movement of the selected cat on or off.
Animation - Clicking this button turns the animations of the selected cat on or off. You can still have this selected if movement is off. They will still move their head, lick their paw, wag their tail, etc.
Call - Click this button to call the selected cat. Once clicked the cat should come to you.
Send home - Click this button to send the selected cat home. They will then move to the spot you’ve set as their home position.
Mate - This is the button that you will use to mate your cats. Mating cats simply sets up their next reproductive partner. You can do this even with juveniles. Once they're adults and in heat, they'll finally work to make a baby!